tisdag 27 januari 2009

If there is any chance in poker is a difficult philosophical question. Now do you think I operate with you, or that I run some sort of far-fetched argument for radical poker as skill games. It is not so.

Deck represent the unknown. The players do not know the card scheme, they must base their decisions on what they actually know - namely, the few cards they have seen, opponent behavior, odds calculations.

If the card scheme has been determined by a random process is irrelevant, as long as the scheme is unknown to the players.

A deterministic process to determine the card system is just as well. As long as it does not contain any "bias", so that the card system remains unknown to the players.

One can easily find at various deterministic processes to mix a deck of cards again and again and again, to arrange the cards all the time is unpredictable for the players.

In practice, it is doubtful whether a simple mixture actually generate "random". But with the random question is irrelevant, we do not bury ourselves in the discussion. It does not matter, as long as no player has the knowledge to make one card more likely than the other.

To summarize: Poker is not about chance but about uncertainty. Skill in poker include in to make decisions based on incomplete information.

In this regard, poker is a school for other areas of life, and studying poker can learn a lot of useful things.

Poker is structured, end of story

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